
23 Game Reviews

3 w/ Responses

At first, I saw the well crafted and polished nature of the game. The animations were very smooth and, the art and assets were fantastic also. However, I found the gameplay itself was lacking in contrast to the polished art and feel.

The main complaint I have is that, the control system and the gameplay are at odds with each other. The weighty and sliding nature of the control scheme contrasted heavily to the very precise, and agile platforming elements implemented in various parts of the game. A point of frustration arose in the first village, where you must jump across 1 tile thick blocks, or else fall to your death. The weighty controls took many lives from me there, I'd say about 10. Grabbing ledges feels odd, personally I'm not used to having to hold down the jump button to grab onto the ledge, but that might just be a 'me' problem. Normally I'm used to simply holding the direction toward the ledge, this threw me off during those village jumps since holding jump meant elongating your jump, so I had to release jump, but then also press it again in rapid succession or I'll just die. In fact the platforming seemed to be the main issue that I had difficulty wise. The jump button seemed to have too many functions packed into one press. It jumped, it also elongated your jump if you held it, you also have to hold it to grab ledges, if you want to wall jump you have to press away 'then' jump, if you want to kip a wall, you have to hold jump as you make contact as well. The grabbing ledges and wall jumping could have been simplified. Instead of a jump input to grab a ledge, simply holding down the direction to grab it would have sufficed. It's also extremely awkward to be sliding down a wall, and 'not' being able to jump off the wall by pressing it. This led to strange moments where I was unable to wall jump because my timing of the opposite arrow key wasn't correct, leading to the loss of a life. And because there were so many functions jammed into one key, the game wasn't sure whether to kip up a wall, grab the ledge above it, or wall jump which was my intended purpose.

The hook just seemed irrelevant completely. It didn't help my platforming at all, in fact it hindered it. It basically just slapped you against a wall you might have reached anyway, and makes you slide down it, if there is no wall opposite you, you're dead since you cannot jump up the wall you are currently on Megaman style. This design choice makes sense, it would be far too easy to platform if you can simply climb every wall in the game, but it also makes it much more difficult, especially when you have to press the opposite direction as well which disconnects you from the wall. The hook didn't help in either of these situations. It felt too slow to throw as well, and the length didn't compensate for it. If the hook was slow to throw, but reached much further, it would have worked. If the hook detracted faster but have the same range, it would have worked. As it is now, it is slow and short. If you were to jump and at the apex of your jump, throw the hook straight up, by the time you threw it the hook would probably reach about where the apex was, basically reaching to where you could have already reached. You had to preempt your hook throws, which was strange considering that the platforming is already heavy feeling and made emergency hooking basically impossible. If you hooked on a wall out of danger, you're basically dead.

The combat was strange as well. It felt fine on the ground but once you're in the air all bets are off. The very noticeable contrast between the speed of the attacks on the ground and in the air is just too jarring a difference. On the ground if you get hit that's your own fault. But in the air, you get 1 attack, and it takes an eternity to use. 1 overhead swing that takes about as long as a hook throw, meaning I also have to preempt my attacks mid air. I also find it strange if you start the attack mid air, but don't complete it and hit the ground early, you get stuck in a landing animation for the attack but no actual attack comes out. This makes land based creatures difficult to hit with the attack mid air since if you land on the ground early you will be stuck. And if I miss the target, I get hit and get locked in hit stun, losing a life because there is no invincibility. Twice I remember losing a life to a first tier mud monster because I would get hit, get thrown back, and without even touching the ground land on the monster, get hit, and die. And because of the slow mid air attack, there was literally 'nothing' I could do about it, I just had to take my lumps. It just seems like a strange design choice to not include hit invincibility in a game with excessive platforming and no viable mid air defense. Speaking of strange design choices, I don't understand why the human enemies can shoot through walls. Not to mention that they shoot incredibly rapidly for shotguns. This makes being seen by human enemies a death sentence, closing the gap between you and a shotgun with your one mid air attack and slow slidey controls is nigh impossible. If this is the case why even include a health system to begin with if being seen by a human basically means "You Lose"?

My last gripe, is the out of place Life System. Maybe it's a story thing, I don't know I couldn't complete the game due to the above mentioned. But the life system just doesn't fit into the gameplay at all. Even losing all my lives it doesn't punish me in anyway significant way other than wasting my time for no reason. If you die at a checkpoint, you start over from there. Lose all your lives and you get sucked into the caves, have to platform your way out, only to get booted back to the main map and to the beginning of the level right back to where you were. You don't even get any lives after that, it just makes everything more difficult and a gigantic waste of time if you die again (which, face it, you will, a LOT).

I want to like this game. The story elements, and art, and feel are there, it has potential. But the sub-par gameplay elements and awkward, clunky controls mar any chance the game has for the good aspects of it to shine. As it is right now, it's just a big ball of confusion and anger.

This is a very nice game. Spent quite a while going through it, I was lucky to have a winning combination of party members from the beginning.

[This is where I divulge my tactics and gameplay settings and experience, feel free to skip if not interested or read on for tips and shit]

Cinnacat as monk, Dawncaller as Guardian, Lorena as Sorceress, Trickfoot as Thief, Warren as Hunter. Guardian and Sorceress is an incredibly good match up, Sorceress can dish out massive damage and Guardian can heal equally as much for the entire party. Anything else had negligible effect, especially Hunter who only really had high HP going for him. Thief is useful for early game pick ups, food is not as important as gold really, but is good to replenish energy especially late game where Guardian can just mass heal the group. Ended up having 170-ish food by the end of the game with Thief steals. Monk and Hunter weren't exactly the most useful of classes, though the Monk was better than the Hunter. They both seem to dish out mediocre damage until high levels, at one point the Thief's base attack out dealing both their haymakers. Good tanks though.

[End of Tactics]

Now the actual review. The game was for me at least, relaxingly enjoyable despite the description saying brutally hard. I got lucky I guess, or have a knack for class planning.
The art was superb and has a unique character, especially TO the characters. Aside from the grunt enemies, the playable characters themselves gave off some sense of feeling to them. The two kittens Cinnacat and Trickfoot being small and spry and having this cutesy art to them, while on the other end the give no shits Warren is a giant gruff canine in worn mercenary-like armour having this pseudo realistic art. It really gave them each a personality.
Gameplay was not too challenging, it was for challenging in the beginning actually because I didn't have a plan really. Eventually devolved into the glass cannon and heavy healer combo focus mentioned above. I did run into a few hitches here and there. It seemed that even when your characters are removed from battle, you can still heal them, which I'm not entirely sure is a bug or a feature. Either way it confused the hell out of me when Trickfoot was knocked out twice in battle. Another bug which wasn't so helpful was sometimes the enemy damage counter lies to you. I believe it was the fiended man or something? The last enemy. Says it did about 19 damage. Warren had 30 at the time. He died instantly even though he had more than enough health to take it. That was the only time it happened though and also confused me since he had the highest HP out of all my party. A more complex battle system of some sorts would have been nice. Seems a bit empty with just the cycle of attack, get hit, heal, attack etc. Very old school Final Fantasy, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. But hey, 4 days work it's still a fun battle system so can't complain there.
Story, honestly I wasn't really paying attention. I was more interested in how the party members interacted with each other and how different each races culture was. The actual story of having to hunt down a guy that has the key to stopping a growing danger or something has been tried and true that it's just kinda dry to me now. Unless there's some sort of twist I didn't see coming later in the future game, I can already imagine how it ends. The actual flavour of the story was the characters, knowing their past and whatnot.
Music variety was lacking. Kinda got sick of hearing the same calming loop over and over again while deciding my upgrades and resting options. Music is just as important a factor in setting mood and world as the art style which was really good. I guess if the feeling was mystical fantasy forest, I guess it works. Unfortunately the game does not take place in just a forest, probably. I think mountains were involved near the end.

Still, for 4 days work it's a rather fun game. Beat it once, I may try it again with different classes. Maybe I can actually get Warren to do something this time. Good job man.

I did it. I finally did it.
After about 2 hours of grueling torment, anger, torture, lots of broken objects, hair pulling, and more importantly, fun, I collected all of the medals. Yes even collected all 144 stars. So, this proves that all the levels are indeed possible and it is also possible to 3 star all of them, to everyone saying it's unbeatable.

The game itself is very nostalgic which is nice, everything is very reminiscent of the olden days of gaming where all the levels were ball crushingly difficult and the only reason you couldn't beat it was your own lack of skill or wit. The game definitely kept me on my toes and kept me thinking outside the box, using different strategies and such. The fact that you play as the enemies of the hero rather than the hero itself was very interesting and I rather enjoyed it. I found it amusing that usually the enemies are the overpowered ones, but this time the hero is the one with the ability to one shot final bosses because his fireball singed their toes or something. The graphic style and the music is very nostalgic and brought back the feeling from more rage worthy games in my early days. The only issue I had was lost level 2, in which I saw the immediate effects of slight hit box displacement and how the fireballs don't exactly have to touch me, but only a few pixels below to actually kill. Thus, prompting the singed toes remark before. Normally this isn't even an issue, and it probably isn't but in that particular level, a level where even the slightest distance is the difference between life and death, that incredibly minute hit box extension killed me more time than I could count, quite literally I lost count. I still managed to beat it though, so it might not even bear merit worthy of looking into, just thought I could throw that in.
The only actual issue I can name is lag. I'm not sure whether this is my computer which is an invariably a brick, or the game but I experience tremendous amounts of lag in many sections. Sometimes this helped me and sometimes it screwed me, like when trying to time jumps properly, especially as King Bowler at the end, it can get super annoying. It does help shorten time though, I think that's how I manged to get level 12 done in under 5 seconds, the lag shortened the time for me, and I just ran through the course as fast as I could and I got it.
Overall it is a very fun game, it is frustratingly difficult, and it will make you smile, then punch something, then smile again. The game had me flailing my arms in annoyance more times than I needed to and that's cool, the greater the challenge the sweeter the reward.

To anyone that needs help with the 100 plumbers, the quickest way I found is level 2 and you can just walk right the instant the level starts and fall on top of the plumber. This can net you a kill every .5 seconds plus however long it takes you to restart the level again. Doing it this way can net you the medal within a few minutes.

Also, in case people are still complaining, the game is 100% beatable. Don't blame the author for your lack of ability.

keybol responds:

Thank you for the indepth review. You're correct it's a bit hard the first time, but once you get used to it or find a pattern you may find it actually a lot easier to beat the second time around.

This game is a very fun game, however there are far too many moments of frustrations due to bugs, or just poor design choice, I'm not sure which. First, the good. The game itself, is fun. It's nice to sort of plan out or place units in strategic places. Personally my best was maxing out the javelineer and just spamming them on the front lines. Every enemy dies in one to two hits, doubly so with maxed out archers in the back lines. All the units were able to work in tandem with each other which is a very nice thing, except the blacksmith. I've yet to find a use for him. Judging from the skills he seems like he's a tanky unit but he's way more expensive than a simple farmer who does the job just as well. The artwork is superb, well done and very stylistic. I enjoyed the choices that came up during the story as well, it gave me a sense of "I am in charge of this town" feeling, as it should being the mayor and all. The active skills were done in an interesting way, each unit had a skill and that unit had to kill a certain amount of zombies to be able to use it. This is a rather interesting way to do active skills, and it worked, sometimes..

Into the bad now. The ABSOLUTE main issue I had, was apple regeneration. Sometimes it simply didn't work, it just didn't generate any apples, and that made the game roughly 10 times more difficult than it should have been. I'm not sure whether this was a bug or a design choice, either way it just didn't work and detracts from the experience. There was a moment where the story said that the soil is infertile and cannot plant any more apples, that is when it is acceptable to have no apple regeneration, when the story dictates it. But for whatever reason, my apples regenerated there, but elsewhere where there is not a single mention of apples it doesn't. This forced me to change my entire playstyle, and when I've already allocated all my coins and gems toward a certain playstyle, this can have very negative impacts. Where the teleporting wizards and knight zombies were introduced, is where I ran into the most trouble. I somehow had to fend off a horde of ranged attackers without apple regeneration. I had to tone down the difficulty about 6 times before I even had a chance of completing the level and the only way of obtaining apples was spamming farmers so that they kill zombies and using their active skill to plant trees. This sucks, as this forces the player in having to play in a certain way, and it's even worse if the player didn't invest all that much into the farmer like I did at the time. Doesn't help that the enemies during that wave were all ranged attackers, something that farmers are crap against. So, I had to spam farmers, hope they killed enough enemies, grow trees to get apples so I can put down more damaging units, and if one of my attack units, or all of my farmers died from the incredibly accurate and long range attacking enemies, I basically lost and had to start over. After the 3rd time that level lost any fun value it had. This happened before that wave near the beginning but I managed to get past it. It resurfaced again during the final boss fight, not sure why as it was working during the first stage, but the instant it got closer apple regeneration stopped. Surprisingly I was doing fine, it only ate one of my two farmers rather than the archer and javelineer I had placed down to attack it. I was able to replace the farmers fairly quickly as they killed the regular grunt zombies fairly fast. The only reason I lost, was because of a bug where I was unable to use skills. This was literally the death of me. All my units were being attacked, I tried to use the archers skill but it wouldn't let me. It would show the reticle and area of the attack, but won't actually use it. This led to my entire group being overrun and even after my archer died, the skill still said it was still able to be used. These two problems are glaring issues that overall detract from the game and only lead to frustration. Perhaps a better method of active skills is maybe instead of getting kills to charge a skill, perhaps it can charge automatically but only if there is the respective unit on the field, maybe it'll charge faster when more of the same unit are placed, I dunno. This way players don't have to spam farmers to get apples when regeneration doesn't work. Or the unregenerating apples can be fixed, so that every level aside from when the story says that it won't regenerate, will actually have regenerating apples.

I'm not a game designer, or a programmer or anything. I just enjoy games, and if I see something that bothers me as a gamer, I will rip it to shreds. It is a fun game, and the bugs or design choice or whatever with the apples, only appeared rarely. The skill bugs appeared only during the boss fight. Last Town is a solid game, with a few flaws is all. Every game has flaws but when the flaws are massive gaping holes in it, that's when it's a problem that should be addressed. Overall it is a fun game, I've yet to try the boss again, so I'm not sure if the bugs will appear again.

So gaddamn

This game is in a way, brilliant. Innovative and original, also shows how being blind would be very unfortunate and would suck a lot. The game is at first, punishingly difficult, like abnormally so. I'm pretty sure I died at the little squire in his tiny baby boots more than I should have. The controls take a little getting used to, as people aren't so acclimated to life without vision so. I like how some enemies have different ways to defeat them, I so far discovered one, but others say that some other enemies can be defeated in other ways. The art style isn't the best I've seen, but not the worst either, takes a bit of getting used to. Though the meat of the game is discovering the way to kill the opponent. The process of this is pretty much: Sheer and utter confusion; observation; experimentation; repetition; profit. So basically just doing random shit until something works while raging pretty hard when you die, which you will, a lot. Speaking of death, dying is like ball crushingly punishing, especially in some of the later levels where you are fighting multiple enemies and dying will reset your ass back at the beginning. The amount of times I flailed my limbs around in rage in my chair is quite high, as I would usually do very well, then I would fail at the last guy. The gameplay is very unique as in the player has no vision and has to rely on sound. This is pretty interesting and requires the player to REALLY be paying attention as well as having good estimates on where the enemy is positioned. Being in the middle of a long stretch of enemies and knowing that dying means restarting can get pretty intense. I've managed to reach the white knight and couldn't figure out how to beat him, and being the weak willed mortal I am, I just stopped right there and then. The enemies aren't that difficult once you get used to the game, just the risk of accidentally being "slightly" too far is dangerous.

So I will share my knowledge as well:

Young Shitty Squire Boy: Either block his attack then counterattack, or just slice at his collarbone when he runs up to you

Flailing Beefcake: Block two of his attacks and counterattack, any less and you'll be dragged into a mud slinging match and he'll just keep attacking.

Dagger Bitch: I don't know what was so difficult about her for some people, I just used the same formula as Young Shitty Squire Boy, block her absurdly quick attack and then quickly bisect her body. Failing to do so will either mean your death or if you block fast enough, restarting the attack phase. She doesn't always dodge to the left or right, so be on your wits.

Dogs that see you as a chewtoy: Wait for their growls to near you, be sure to pay attention since you'll be hearing all three of them. When they start approaching, they'll stop for like a brief second, then lunge at you. At this moment, slicey dicey and you should have put one down. Repeat for all the remaining wolves and you win.

The Most Inefficient Archers in the world: These guys are the ones that give you the least amount of information as to where their attacks are coming from. There are four of them, and they all shoot two arrows each even though they clearly have more arrows, which is really bad archery but okay. Their arrows are pretty much guaranteed to be coming from either 90 degrees left or right of you, never forwards or behind. Try to guess how much 90 degrees is and block the shot. Repeat this until all the archers of shot two times, so basic maths, 8 shots in total. At this point they will Power Rangers style one by one attack you with daggers. Use the same block and counter method as the Young Shitty Squire and the Dagger Bitch. Kill all four and VICTORY.

The next few levels are pretty much gauntlet runs of the enemies thus far, this being the remaining sisters of the Dagger Bitch, a group of 12 randomly selected enemies except the Dagger Bitch, the Wasteful Archers are there but they only try to clumsily shank you so just block and slice and that should win most of the battles. Just beware of the flaily beefcakes as they need have their attacks blocked twice before dying. And OH BOY WILL YOU LOVE THE LEVEL BEFORE THE WHITE KNIGHT. Basically you're fighting a literal army so you just have to trudge through enemy after enemy until you slaughtered them all.

White Knight on his Amazing Horse: Pray (I haven't figured out yet)
I managed to block his attacks and sometimes he just takes off right after and sometimes he starts to circle you and attacking at the same time, forcing you to pivot around blocking and attacking. At this point you just exchange blows, and he sometimes goes left or right, I haven't really figured out how to tell which he will go so sometimes I just turn completely the wrong way leaving my back exposed. I've tried to just straight counterattack his initial charge but every time I've died, do what you will with this information.

Oh yeah, btw awesome fucking game.

Absolutely gorgeous game. I really enjoyed this simple yet elegant little game. I was not expecting the web physics on this game to work very well, even though I was pleasantly surprised when I saw it. Very few games actually have physics based gameplay so this is a very well executed break from the norm. The difficultly wasn't too hard or easy. Fairly good mix if you ask me. The art style was completely superb and I was mostly in awe of how pretty it looked, though seeing the same cave over and over again got a little repetitive, but caves rarely look different from each other so that's excusable. The Mother Spider (I assume it is a Mother Spider) would give me nightmares should I be a few years younger, it was disturbing to look at and certainly gives off that whole villain vibe.

I missed the other paths when I went through the game so I'm not sure if the other spiders after the tutorial have much impact storywise but I kind of wish the characters were fleshed out a little more. The game was relatively short but that's okay since I enjoyed my time playing it. Somethings to perhaps take a look at is the webs themselves. Though they worked pretty well after some practice, they could have been a little longer or maybe shot out slightly faster. I've made too many jumps where my webs were just barely almost skimming the ceiling and I just plummeted to my death afterwards. Another thing, I'm not sure if this is just me, but sometimes the webs just flat out don't work. I especially had difficultly using them for some reasons at the first horned beetle you can encounter in the game, the one to the left of the giant door. When I shot out a web and stuck the ceiling, I would let go and shoot another immediately. I would hear the sound of it shooting but I was still attached to the first web. When I let go of the key, I would fall off the first web and the second would shoot out at light speed and stick to where it "imaginary" stuck. Might be a bug (PUNS :D), might be just my computer but it caused unnecessary trouble for me during that part and a few others.

The story was pretty good, the characters were a little dull but very pretty to look at, considering they're bugs. All you do in the game is jump and swing but it is so entertaining, and the use of fairly complex physics in a simple gameplay style was a very nice gesture.

I congratulate you for making a marvelous game; denoudaden, would play again.

I enjoy the concept a lot; the idea of playing through a game and stacking weapons is pretty fun. Though the game could have been polished a little more and some things thought out better. Balance is an issue, some weapons are will either wreck shit or help in no way shape or form. Some combos work pretty well and some don't which is good and bad I guess. Jetpack early on is probably one of the worst combos you can get, I managed to snag it about 2 levels in and backshot too. With the Thwomp like things swinging above my head and walking poison spitting guys below, hopping up every time I fire is really dangerous. Though coupled with something with gravity or aimed down, then yes Jetpack is OP as you say. Any laser pretty much wins the game, I got this early on in my second game along side poison spitter and I became almost indestructible aside from some failed jumps into spikes. The control feels a little too light if that makes sense. Jumps for some reason aren't as tight as I'm used to and making precise leaps through poison and metal thwompy things is really difficult. Maybe that's just me. I understand that you wanted to make a game packed full of chaos on the screen, but I can recommend that screen shake is toned down slightly. It became really difficult to see anything with so much shaking, I couldn't really see the final boss clearly even though I had it pinned into the wall with the laser. Overall; I really enjoyed the concept and if it was expanded on a little more with a few tweaks here and there, perhaps extending the amount of levels a bit more, I would enjoy the game much more.

I enjoyed this game. The map was varied and looked quite pretty. The gameplay itself was not too challenging but did have some frustrating moments. Combat was really simple. I found myself aimlessly slashing at the air and everything around me would lie dead instead of using the other items like the wand or fire (Spear was actually pretty useful sometimes). Exploring was fun as well as difficult at some parts. Mostly the stages that give you only so much walking space, I would fall into chasms quite a bit due to either enemies knocking me into them, or just simply walking off, which brings me to my next point. The controls were tight and hard to handle at the same time. Traversing areas was a pain, simply because the character walks a bit too slow and I find that I mash the sword key almost through out the entire game. Not sure if it's just me, but at points the character's movement was difficult to maneuver, I would tap one arrow key and I would jolt a half a block in that direction. I do the exact same thing and I move a couple pixels, may just be my computer, but it resulted in A LOT of falling. Puzzles were nice, I quite liked the amount, not too much and not too challenging. What I really liked were the bosses, they were absolutely gorgeous, (Aside from The Owl, which I couldn't see very well) and they were actually challenging. They required you to use your brain and not mindlessly hack away at their limbs. (Tentacle Beast excluded) Concluding thoughts, some rough patches but are negligible enough to still enjoy the game. Props to you Connor, it's rare for me to fully play through a full length game, and yet I did with Seedling, so, good job! I've almost completed everything, but I didn't get the 3rd secret medal yet, I have absolutely no idea what to do, so if we can get a tip or something, that would be great.

Since I did beat the game, I might as well help others with the bosses. (I may mix some up)

1: Shieldspire
Stand in front of it til it winds back to hit you, when it does this, hit back. Do this two more times and it's done.

2: The Times
Self explanatory, dodge, hit, rinse, repeat.

3: The Totem of Lacste
Dodge the giant laser it shoots in the middle, and also dodge the energy beam things on the sides. Keep doing this, whilst shooting it with the wand.

4: The Tentacled Beast
Slash at all the tentacles while dodging the whirlpools, flying enemies, and falling tentacles. Once all the tentacles are hacked off, hit the head and it's dead.

5: The Lights
One of the more difficult bosses, but easy to understand, dodge the gooey stuff and hit all the spinning things twice each.

6: The King of Fire
Kill the magma monsters and knock back the lava chunks he launches at you with your sword. While he's stunned, go up and hit him. Repeat two more times, and he's gone.

7: The Owl
The more annoying boss. Dodge the boulders that rain down on you until it gets up from the mouth thing. While he's up and about, do your best to knock him into the lava. The Owl will drop bombs while running, so keep that in mind. Each time he gets into a mouth, it will rain boulders again and he will get up and start running to the other mouth. Be wary of the mouths though, even though The Owl may not be in them, they will instantly kill you if you get eaten by them.

Hope that helps.


I liked the wacky humor and classic cannon game style, the cut scenes were good and humorous. Despite being based of of other cannon games, this is unique in you can place objects within the level. A good time waster if your bored, problem is, that it is rather short, but makes up for in difficulty. The cripples landing is pretty funny as well, it might sound wrong, but it is. Some levels seem pretty much impossible, but it's not, the ambulance level finish was a little finicky at some times, and usually just taunts you the entire level. If your 5 inches away from the tire, your boned. The SLIGHTEST movements of the objects could be the line between victory and defeat. There doesn't seem to be a coherent flow of the placement of objects, which is good, gives players more freedom, whether to finish 1 of the 9 levels, or just for shits and giggles, cause pain to cripples. I liked the little nod to the LARRY series in a few of the levels, since the gnome statue is actually Larry in a gnome get up. Overall, not bad, but a few things could have been changed to make the game a little better.

Awesome and Unique

The game is really good, when I saw the title, I thought to myself, this is just another zombie survival game, I was right, but it's not a shooter, which is a welcome breather. It's a strategy based overview city control and maintenance type game, much like Sim City, but in 2014 and in a zombie apocalypse. I liked the way that the player chose what to do, how to do it, etc. Sometimes the game puts you on your toes, like, "Oh, My city is running out of food, I better find some, but wait, they might die, so I better send some soldiers, oh, but wait, there is a horde of zombies coming next turn." It really puts the pressure on you, which is a nice change. The game was unique and different, some shooter fan boys may not like it, but a lot of other people did. I liked it, almost everyone in the comments liked it, we look forward to a sequel.

Age 39, Male


Joined on 5/11/09

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